Sunday, May 30, 2010

My renewed commitment

5:45 am - I woke up to do my non-aggressive tai chi exercise. Felt full oneness with my inner self .

6:15 am - I went to pour a bowl of my favorite organic all natural cereal "Kaishi Whole Grain Cage-Free Fiber Pellets" and realized I was completely out of Almond/Soy/Plankton milk. I knew I would not be able to cope with my plethora of life challenges the day presented unless I had breakfast so I used some of my roommate's Wal-mart brand cow milk. The cereal tasted fine but when I finished eating, the little bits of fiber pellet at the bottom of the bowl formed into the face of a baby cow. I am a strong believer of the supernatural and have had hundreds of experiences to prove it. I stared into the face of the baby cow for thirty minutes and suddenly the face spoke to me. It told me "I was prostituting out every animal that has ever walked mother earth whenever I drink its milk or eat its flesh. It also told me I needed to find the true truth in life. I am going to write a poem about it. After that I realized that I had become the very evil I had once vowed to fight.

7:12 am - I recommitted myself to strict vegan practices including no animal products, and nothing that is not 100% organic, cage-free, and biodegradable. I don't care what my nutritionist told me. My spiritual guide said that nature provides everything the human spirit and body needs.

7:15 am - My energy is once again balanced completely to the positive side

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